What’s Up Wednesday: The Rundown

Gurney Seed & Nursery Company: Yankston, South Dakota
Active, but under new ownership
• There was a reboot, under a slightly different name and still in Yankston, SD
• I wonder if my mail will end up in South Dakota or at the new place (about 110 miles southeast of me in Indiana);
• I hope it ends up in South Dakota.
Cost: 10¢ which I wrote a check

Henry Field Seed & Nursery Company: Shenandoah, Iowa
Official site—Still an active business
• Under new ownership and ALSO about 110 southeast of me
• A bit of history and more
Cost: Taped a dime to the ad

Finger Fit: Royal Oak, Michigan
Official site—I thought that this one was still a viable company, I believe my mother-in-law has one of these for her ring
• They have no history on their site and I can’t find any after a very short search. They have changed locations to St. Clair Shores, but they are still in Michigan.
Cost: Free

R.H. Shumway Seedsman: Rockford, Illinois
Official site
• It has changed hands over the years. It is presently headquartered in Wisconsin—history and more
• A 1916 seed catalog
Cost: Most expensive—a check for $1.75

Taylor Bedding Company: Taylor, Texas
This Facebook page came up, but the web address listed goes nowhere;
This postcard, from the Taylor library;
• A bit of history;
• Page 77 of this school yearbook;
• I found some hits for Morning Glory batting products, but not anything fruitful;
Cost: $1 check

I am truly fascinated by how many of these companies are still in business! I am not completely curious how many of these companies might get back to me. Most have changed hands.
So we’ll see!

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